black lemon/organic basics

Organic Basics

Customised website
We made Organic Basics go from a Shopify in-house coded website with a lot of limitations, to an editor friendly Shopify platform. Organic Basics are now able to easily administrate and update their website.
Shopify / Digital design / UI/UX / Development
We made it easy for Organic Basics to put their own touch on things when desired
Speed Optimization
days to launch
The case

When creating a website you can quickly get lost, all of a sudden you can’t find out what’s up and down. This was the case for Organic Basics. When they came to us they were already hosting their website at Shopify. They did great, but every time they would like to change something, they felt a big limitation. Therefore, they came to us with a wish for a website with an editor friendly interface. Black Lemon could now start to customize a total website for Organic Basics.


We made a platform for Organic Basics with 4 stores, which are each connected to a currency. The platform is a fully customizable solution, where they will not feel limited by unknown code and settings.


Organic Basics now has a flexible website, where they are able to edit easily whenever they want. Additionally we have built them a bundle feature, where they can combine more items in an easy way.

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Organic Basics
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